– John Maynard Keynes –
Are your advisors proactively protecting your equity investments or simply following the industry standard of “buy- and-hold”? This type of strategy works well for institutions that have the ability to invest in the market in perpetuity. However, as an individual your goals are time-sensitive.
After a lifetime of work and sacrifice, why should your retirement be contingent on Wall Street’s schedule? Creating an investment strategy driven by our firm’s belief that avoiding large losses is key to long-term success required us to challenge pre-conceived notions of how portfolios ought to be constructed. Commonly used by advisors, the “buy-and-hold” approach has proven to be ill-equipped in relieving investor anxiety due to its lack of protection during bear markets. In fact, popular methods such as asset allocation and diversification alone do little in terms of safeguarding your portfolio especially in today’s globally interdependent markets.
Simply put, we do it different, our investment philosophy is uniquely tailored to fulfill your goals on your schedule and not when the market dictates.
Market volatility is a staple of the investment cycle. We recognize this and use it to your advantage by offering an added layer of protection to your portfolio. Investment portfolios will have a small percentage of the equity portion dedicated to hedging against large market plunges. Thus, our investment philosophy revolves around participating in gains, when the market rises, to a greater extent than losses during periods where the market falls. Our goal is not to prevent all losses, as that would be highly unrealistic, but rather protect against large dips that can potentially hinder your long-term plans. This technique minimizes your portfolios recovery time, meaning that you will be in a prime position to capitalize when the market recovers.